About the Journal


Prof. Dr. D.Ali DEVECİ on behalf of Dokuz Eylul University Maritime Faculty


Asst. Prof. Dr. Nurser GOKDEMIR ISIK

Editor in-Chief

Asst. Prof. Dr. Cansu YILDIRIM – Asst. Prof. Dr. Burak KÖSEOĞLU

Place of Management

T.C. Dokuz Eylül University – Maritime Faculty, Tınaztepe Campus, 35160, Buca/IZMIR/TURKEY

Publication Type and Period

Journail is a peer-reviewed.It is published twice a year.

Board of Section Editors:

Maritime Business Administration Section

Prof. Dr. İsmail Bilge ÇETİN

Marine Transportation Engineering Section

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Cemal TÖZ

Marine Engineering Section

Lec. Semih YILMAZ

Logistics Management Section

Prof. Dr. Okan TUNA

Maritime Law Section

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nil KULA DEĞİRMENCİ

Publication No






Fields Involved

Having been published twice a year since 2009, Dokuz Eylül University Maritime Faculty Journal embraces original and academic articles and it is a peer-reviewed journal. The basic fields it comprises are; maritime business administration, marine transportation engineering, marine engineering, logistics management, logistics engineering, transportation and all other seaborne trade related issues.


The journal is indexed in ULAKBIM Social Sciences Database since 2013.

Articles published in this journal can not be used without referring to the journal. The authors are scientifically responsible for their manuscripts.

Maritime Faculty Journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) or submission charges.

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