Editorial Principles

Editorial Principles

1.       The language used in the articles submitted to the Journal to be published is required to be either Turkish or English.

2.       The articles submitted to the Journal must not be previously published elsewhere nor must they be submitted to any other journals to be published. The articles previously presented at congresses and/or symposiums can be published in the Journal provided that they include notes on the first page explaining the previous presentations.

3.       The articles accepted to be published or already published are not allowed to be copied or published in any way whatsoever, unless Maritime Faculty Journal allows to do so through its written permission, but only can be cited provided that the Journal is refereed to as the source of citation.

4.       The authors will not be paid any copyright, and they are supposed to have transferred the copyright of their articles to the Journal once the articles have been submitted to the Journal.

5.       The authors are to be held responsible for the ideas, opinions or claims put forward through the articles published in the Journal.

6.       The articles submitted to the Journal are to have complied with the relevant linguistic rules. The editor and/or the consulting editors are entitles to require the authors to make changes in the form and/or the contents when they may deem necessary.

7.       The journal is published twice a year, in June and December. Based on the publishing system adopted by the Journal, the publishing dates may have to get changed and/or shifted. The Journal cannot be claimed or held responsible for such shifts.

8.       Authors are obliged to comply with Maritime Faculty Submission Policy.

9.       Maritime Faculty Journal does not charge any article submission or processing charges.


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